An Institution of Respect and Equality
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Housing Stabilization and Homeownership

We help both aspiring and existing homeowners obtain and maintain affordable, accessible housing.

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Housing Stabilization and Homeownership

Safe, stable housing is fundamental to an individual or family’s ability to reliably participate in education, training, and employment opportunities, and living wage employment is critical for secure housing, particularly in NYC.

Whether you are renter or an aspiring or existing homeowner, we will support you to obtain and maintain affordable, accessible housing that will allow you  to prepare for a prosperous future.

Through our efforts:

  • 7,800+ Units of affordable housing constructed or renovated

  • 42 homes purchased since 2021 through our Homeownership Counseling Program

  • 10,000+ Apartments and homes weatherized

Focus Areas:

We will help you develop the budget, build your credit and savings so that you can find housing. We will also help you qualify for housing.

Support with accessing one-shot rental assistance and other resources to cover back rent especially in the aftermath of COVID-19. If you are worried about eviction, meet with the lawyer to understand your rights.

Our longstanding weatherization program helps landlords and renters to both landlords and tenants to conserve energy, save money, and improve health and safety conditions.

We will help you to develop and execute on a plan to realize your dream of homeownership.